Archive for My Design

Big Moose Lake

Big Moose Lake

All interns at Olson Kundig Architects are required to give a 25–30 minute presentation on any topic to the entire firm. It can be used to to discuss their own thesis, show their background to the firm, share non-architecture work, or talk about some other…

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Thinking through Questioning

Thinking through Questioning

This semester I’m taking a studio with John Ronan from John Ronan Architects. We’re designing a cemetery and chapel for the unclaimed dead of Chicago. As I was working through some site strategies in the early part of the design process, I realized how much…

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My new book: Tradition & Discovery in South America

My new book: Tradition & Discovery in South America

Loren’s and my book is finished and published! You can order copies of the book, or look through a full preview by clicking the cover above. Loren and I initially ran a successful Kickstarter campaign to fund this project. We were heading to Argentina with…

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Nine Gold Stickers

Nine Gold Stickers

Two weeks before our final reviews, the five studios for first and second year graduate students come together and present section or elevation drawings rendered either as orthographic projections or perspectives. One of our professors, Michael Benedikt (you can buy his book, For an Architecture…

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Updates — Fluttering Facade & Basic Initiative

Updates — Fluttering Facade & Basic Initiative

I just added one of my studio projects from this semester. I’m a bit behind though, I still need to post my design/build work from this summer in Argentina, as well as 2 more projects from this semester’s studio. I will be doing that soon!…

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BASIC: Day 8

BASIC: Day 8

Hardware store day! Everyone kept talking about this place and I kept assuming that it was named “E-Z.” It absolutely never occurred to me that it would be the English word “easy.” I made friends with the tree dudes at the paint counter. We picked…

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BASIC: Day 7 Deeper Design

BASIC: Day 7 Deeper Design

We’ve been designing. What a relief. April was great at taking charge today in the library of Los Piletones. First we all brainstormed together of the many ways in which we could intervene. After that, we decided what were the 8 most important things to…

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BASIC: Day 6 Deeper Design

BASIC: Day 6 Deeper Design

Today we finally split into our groups for the daycare and the planning. I really care about bringing heat into all parts of the daycare. It’s my personal mission. I was excited to talk about that today and head into the daycare to see what…

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BASIC: Design Day 5

BASIC: Design Day 5

Our planning charette day was exhausting for me because my entire group spoke in Spanish. Katie, poor Katie, doesn’t really speak any Spanish, but we were with four Argentinian women, so that’s how we talked. Oh my lord, I did my best. I understood probably…

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BASIC: Day 4

BASIC: Day 4

Today was great because we finally got to the design portion of the program. Today was our full-day design charette for the daycare center. We broke in to small groups and came up with a bunch of interventions for the daycare center. Then we broke…

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